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For the past decade or so, we have seen numerous advancements in all aspects of life. With the realisation of the futility of the world and how much damage is being done to it, people have not only started using new and better technology but the type of systems that are green and come from renewable energy sources. 

Logistics is one such field of development that is continuously working towards a cleaner and greener future. Green and sustainable logistics is one of the hot topics on everyone’s mind when it comes to the future of freight forwarding and logistics. 

Freight forwarding is one of the biggest reason why trade is controlled and run smoothly. The packages you receive from halfway across the world are less because of freight forwarding and logistics. In short, freight forwarding plays a crucial role in keeping the world running and making sure that everyone around the world stays connected in different ways. 

While freight forwarding may be a noble cause that plays a huge impact on the economy of the world, it is also an occupation filled with various obstacles and hurdles.

One such hurdle in the fight against the ever-changing climate. 


As stated above, freight forwarding faces many impediments and one issue that is slowly becoming a worrisome issue for freight forwarders is climate change. 

Although it might be hard to immediately make a connection between freight forwarding and climate change if you ponder closely, you will understand why green and sustainable logistics is so important for the future of freight forwarding. 

Freight forwarders are heavily dependent on climate. Whether it is the freight of air, land or sea, the weather conditions play a big role in the day to day work of a freight forwarder.

If the climate of a particular location is rough then freight forwarding is delayed which can cause a lot of financial damages to the companies involved. Whereas, if some unexpected weather conditions ruin the cargo then this can also lead to economic burdens for the parties involved. 

With the changing of climate, it is noticeable that more and more extreme weather conditions have become a part of our daily routine. Keeping this in mind, the impact of climate change on logistics can easily be understood. 

Logistics and the said operators need the weather and climate to be in their favour to work smoothly. With the ever-worsening condition of climate, this becomes increasingly difficult. 

There are a few methods that have been implemented by freight forwarding companies tha focus on green and sustainable logistics. These methods are not merely for the sake of saving the planet but adopting such strategies can greatly impact the future of freight as we know it. 


Achieving freight forwarding goals of green and sustainable logistics is on everyone’s mind. It is the most crucial step into the future of freight forwarding. 

To be able to achieve this goal, certain methods can be implemented. Some of the most exciting and sought out methods are described below.

  1. Renewable Energy Usage:

Renewable energy is one of the biggest and most important topics that need to be covered when it comes to green and sustainable logistics. 

Every time a mean of transportation is used to ship products from one place to another, energy in a different form is used. 

The usage of petrol causes harmful and fatal damages to the environment of the world. With the advancements of technology, new and improved methods are being adopted to bring about changes in the way that energy is used up. 

Renewable energy sources are immense for the future of a world that is free from the usage of petrol. Of course, we will not have new methods to combat the issues caused to petroleum products in a single. It will take a good few years before we can finally begin working on green and sustainable logistics. 

  1. Monitoring Fuel Efficiency:

Fuel consumption is one of the biggest issues facing the world of logistics. It is a great hurdle that needs to be addressed when you want to work on improving the environment. 

One of the most effective ways of doing this is to monitor fuel efficiency. You need to address issues that lead to higher consumption of fuel and thus pose a danger to not only the profits made by your company but also to the environment. 

  1. Use of LHV (Long and Heavy Vehicles):

One of the best ways to reduce the amount of fuel consumed every time a delivery is made is to use long and heavy vehicles or in short, LHV. LHVs are the best bet you have to reduce fuel consumption while also keeping up with thr demands of your customers.

We live in the era of evolving technology, but there is no guarantee when we will finally be able to use renewable energy sources to power up our engines. Of course, this also does not mean that we should completely neglect the importance of green and sustainable logistics. Instead, using efficient methods such as LHVs can greatly impact the future of sustainable logistics.

  1. Improvement in Loading:

The usage of LHV will only reach its maximum potential when there is no lack seen thereof in the loading of goods. 

What this means is that if you have long and heavy vehicles but you do not utilise them complete then this can be a huge setback in helping you achieve your green and sustainable logistics goals. 

There needs to be an improvement in the loading of cargo and how much weight is being carried by each vehicle. To do this efficiently, you need to be on top of your game when it comes to planning. 

Over time, this will become easy and you will be able to achieve your sustainability goals with ease. 

Green and sustainable logistics is the way to the future. As we realise the consequences of our actions on the environment, we understand that it is now up to us to introduce and ways we can save our planet and work on its recovery. With that said, green and sustainable logistics is not just for the environment. Adopting methods that are cleaner and green have shown that after the initial costs, such methods can greatly improve the economy of a company or organisation. 

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